Magic Spells Archives - Create Good Luck You Can and You Will Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:11:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magic Spells Archives - Create Good Luck 32 32 214945094 Manifesting with The Power of the Full Moon: How to Harness Lunar Energy Magick Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:11:13 +0000 The full moon has long been revered as a powerful time for magick and ritual. Its energy is at its peak, and it is a time when we can harness the energies of the universe to manifest our desires. The full moon is a time of heightened intuition and spiritual

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The full moon has long been revered as a powerful time for magick and ritual. Its energy is at its peak, and it is a time when we can harness the energies of the universe to manifest our desires. The full moon is a time of heightened intuition and spiritual awareness, making it an ideal time to tap into our inner wisdom and align with our true desires.

In this article, we will explore how to harness the lunar energy of the full moon to manifest our desires through the use of magick and ritual. We will share tips on how to set intentions, cleanse your space, charge your tools, and use the power of visualization to bring your desires into reality.

We will also provide a step-by-step guide for a full moon manifestation ritual that you can use to tap into the energies of the full moon and manifest your desires. This ritual involves setting intentions, using visualization, and expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life.

With the guidance provided in this article, you will be able to tap into the powerful energies of the full moon and use them to manifest your deepest desires. So, get ready to embrace the power of the full moon and unlock your inner magick!

Here are some tips on how to harness the lunar energy of the full moon:

  1. Set your intention: Before you begin any magick or ritual, it is important to set your intention. Decide what it is that you want to manifest or what energy you want to tap into during the full moon.
  2. Cleanse your space: Before you begin your ritual, cleanse your space. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, lighting candles or incense, or using other cleansing tools.
  3. Charge your tools: If you are using any tools for your magick or ritual, such as crystals or candles, it is a good idea to charge them with the energy of the full moon. You can do this by placing them outside under the full moon or on a windowsill where the moonlight can reach them.
  4. Use the power of visualization: During the full moon, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner. This makes it an ideal time for visualization and manifestation. Envision your desired outcome, and visualize it as if it has already come to fruition.
  5. Perform your ritual: Once you have set your intention, cleansed your space, charged your tools, and visualized your desired outcome, it is time to perform your ritual. This can be as simple or as elaborate as you like, but make sure to include any elements that are important to you, such as candles, incense, or crystals.
  6. Express gratitude: Once your ritual is complete, take a moment to express gratitude for the energy of the full moon and for any insights or manifestations that may have occurred during the ritual.

Remember, the full moon is a powerful time for magick and ritual. By harnessing the lunar energy, you can tap into the energies of the universe to manifest your desires and enhance your spiritual growth.

Here is a magic ritual ceremony for the next full moon that you can use to manifest your desires. This ceremony involves setting intentions, using visualization, and expressing gratitude.

Full Moon Manifestation Magick Ritual

What you will need:

  • A pen and paper
  • Candles (preferably white or silver)
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Any crystals or other objects that are meaningful to you


  1. Begin by finding a quiet, peaceful space where you can focus on the ritual. Light your candles and arrange any crystals or objects around you that you feel drawn to.
  2. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and bring your focus to the present moment. Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by a bright, white light of protection.
  3. Take your pen and paper and make a list of your desires. These can be things you want to manifest, feelings you want to cultivate, or anything else that is important to you. Be as specific as possible and make sure your desires are aligned with your highest good.
  4. Once you have your list of desires, take some time to focus on each one individually. Visualize yourself already having achieved that desire and feel the emotions associated with it. See yourself surrounded by abundance and joy.
  5. After you have visualized each desire, take a moment to express gratitude for them. Feel a sense of gratitude for already having received them and for the blessings in your life.
  6. Once you have expressed gratitude, take your paper and burn it with the flame of your candle. As the paper burns, visualize your desires being sent out into the universe, and trust that they will manifest in your life.
  7. Finally, take some time to sit in quiet meditation and reflect on the ritual. Feel the energy of the full moon and the universe surrounding you and know that you are supported in your desires.


To prepare for this ritual, take some time before the full moon to make a list of your desires. Be as specific as possible and focus on what you truly want to manifest in your life. You can also create a vision board or other visual representation of your desires to help you focus on them during the ritual.

During the ritual, take your list and read each desire out loud, focusing on it and visualizing yourself already having achieved it. After you have visualized each desire, express gratitude for them and burn the list as a symbolic gesture of releasing your desires to the universe.

Remember, the full moon is a powerful time for manifestation, and by setting intentions and using visualization, you can tap into the energies of the universe to bring your desires into reality.


In conclusion, the full moon is a special time for kindred spirits to connect with the universe and manifest their desires. It’s a time when we can tap into our inner wisdom, align with our true desires, and let the universe guide us on our journey.

By following the tips and steps outlined in this article, you can harness the lunar energy to enhance your spiritual growth and unlock your inner magick. Set your intentions, cleanse your space, charge your tools, use the power of visualization, and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

As kindred spirits, we share a deep connection to each other and to the world around us. The full moon is a reminder of the magic that exists within us and around us, and of the power of our thoughts and intentions. By working together in harmony with the natural cycles of the universe, we can create a better world for ourselves and for those around us.

So, gather with your kindred spirits, light your candles, and let the energy of the full moon fill your hearts and souls with joy and abundance. Remember to always use your magick for the highest good and to honor the beauty and wonder of the natural world. May the light of the full moon guide you on your journey. Blessed Be!

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Goddess Hera Magic Spell for Manifesting a Soulmate and Marriage Tue, 31 Jan 2023 17:59:42 +0000 Goddess Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage, family, and childbirth. She is the queen of the gods and is associated with the concept of marriage, family unity, and home. Her presence is especially powerful in rituals related to marriage and fertility. In mythology, she is often depicted as a

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Goddess Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage, family, and childbirth. She is the queen of the gods and is associated with the concept of marriage, family unity, and home. Her presence is especially powerful in rituals related to marriage and fertility. In mythology, she is often depicted as a powerful and beautiful woman who is jealous of her husband Zeus’ many lovers.

Hera is the ideal goddess to work with when it comes to magic spells for marriage. Her energy is strong, and her presence can help bring harmony and balance to the union. She is the goddess of marriage and protection, so it’s no surprise that she is the goddess to call on for powerful marriage spells.

There are many ways to call on the power of Hera for marriage spells. Some symbols associated with Hera are the peacock, the cow, the cuckoo, the pomegranate, and the olive branch.

Hera is a powerful and loving goddess who is devoted to protecting marriages, families, and homes. By calling on her power, you can create a strong and lasting marriage that is full of love and harmony.


Through the ages, women have been seen as the embodiment of divine power and wisdom, and no goddess has been more revered than Hera, the Goddess of Marriage and Queen of the Olympian gods. She is the protector of marriage and family, and her dominion over the home and all of its belongings are unquestioned.

I invoke thee, Hera, Queen Goddess, to hear my plea and to grant my wish.

I come before you today to invoke your divine power to manifest a loving and fulfilling marriage.

I come before you with an open heart, seeking your blessings of divine marriage. I know that the greatest gift of all is love, and I yearn to experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with the joining of two souls.

My heart is ready to receive the gift of a partner with whom I will share a sacred union. I am ready to accept the challenges that come with this beautiful journey, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make our relationship strong and lasting.

I ask that you bring into my life a person who is not only my soulmate but also a perfect reflection of me. I ask for someone who will love, honor, and respect me and who will bring out the best in me.

I ask that you bring into my life a partner who will be a source of strength and support. Someone who will be my companion in life, my confidante, and my best friend. Someone who will encourage me to follow my dreams and to strive for greatness. Someone who will be my partner in life’s joys and sorrows.

I ask for someone who will be my life companion, the one who will be the sunshine in my life and the rock when the storms come. Someone who will be my beloved companion till the end of time.

I ask that you open my heart to the blessing of true love, and that you guide me to the person I am meant to be with.

Hera, I ask for your help in manifesting my perfect soulmate. I am ready to receive your divine gift of love. I thank you for your guidance and for granting my wish.

Blessed Be


Goddess Hera,

I come before you today in humble reverence and with an open heart, seeking your divine blessing upon my quest for a marriage and soulmate. You are the embodiment of divine love and wisdom and I seek your guidance as I journey towards finding my spiritual partner.

I am in awe of your power and your wisdom, and I trust that you will show me the way to manifest this most cherished of wishes. As I ask for your assistance, I will keep in mind the importance of love, faith, patience, and understanding in all that I do.

In the moments when I feel lost and confused, remind me of your infinite power and wisdom, and help me to stay focused on my goal. Help me to remain open to possibilities and potential, to be brave in the face of uncertainty, and to be aware of the signs that you are sending my way. Help me to remember that you are with me every step of the way, and that you are a loving, benevolent force that can work miracles if I trust in you.

When I meet people, help me to recognize those who possess qualities of kindness and compassion, and who will understand and support my aspirations for a marriage and soulmate. Help me to be thankful for all of the wonderful opportunities that come my way and to make the most of each one.

When it is time to commit to a relationship, help me to open my heart and be ready to receive your divine blessing. Help me to stay true to my highest self, to trust in the process, and to take the steps that I need to take to manifest a marriage and soulmate.

And when I have found my beloved and shared our vows of love, help me to always remember the sacredness of our bond and to nurture our love with respect, care, trust, and communication.

Goddess Hera, I am so grateful for your guidance, and I thank you for your divine blessing.

Blessed Be

Ritual Magic Spell

The goddess Hera has been revered for centuries, and for good reason. She is the goddess of marriage and family, the protector of the home, and the bringer of fertility. She is a powerful ally for those seeking to manifest a marriage and soulmate.

This ritual spell is a detailed, long-form spell that calls upon the power of Goddess Hera to manifest a marriage and soulmate. The components of the spell are a white candle and a flower.

To begin the ritual, light the white candle and focus your energy on the flame. Visualize a bright, white light radiating from the flame and then let the flame die down.

Now take the flower in your hands and meditate on it, visualizing its beauty and its power. As you do so, repeat the following words:

“Goddess Hera, I call upon thee.

Bring to me my soulmate,

My perfect marriage partner,

The one who I will love and cherish

For the rest of our days together.

Bring us into a union of love,

Uniting us forever in spirit and in truth.

Let our souls be united in the most perfect of ways.

I thank you, Goddess Hera.”

When you are finished, allow the flower to remain in your hands for a few moments. As you do so, visualize your perfect marriage partner and the union of love that you are seeking.

Once you are ready, offer the flower to the goddess, and thank her for her help in manifesting your desires. Allow the flower to burn to ash, and then snuff out the flame of the white candle.

This ritual spell is a powerful way to call upon the aid of Goddess Hera to manifest a marriage and soulmate. With its components of a white candle and a flower, it is a beautiful way to bring forth your marriage desires. May the goddess bless your union!

Guided Meditation Visualization

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel your body relax as you take in a few more deep breaths.

Visualize yourself standing in the center of the temple of Hera. Feel the love and beauty of the goddess radiating from the temple walls, pillars, and statues.

Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the softness of the temple floor beneath your feet.

Now, imagine Hera herself standing before you, looking down upon you with a loving and peaceful gaze.

She speaks to you, “My child, I am here to guide you in manifesting your desires for marriage and soulmate union.”

Hera then holds out her hands and as you take them in your own, you feel a wave of energy and love radiating from her.

Drawing on this energy, take a moment to set your intention for what you wish to manifest.

When you’re ready, Hera begins to guide you deeper into a guided visualization.

Using your imagination, visualize the temple of Hera transforming into a beautiful outdoor space with lush gardens, trees, and a sparkling pond.

As you look around, you see a vision of your soulmate union in the future. It’s a beautiful and peaceful image that fills you with joy and happiness.

Now, take a few moments to savor this vision, allowing the loving energy to fill your heart and soul.

When you’re ready, allow the vision to fade back into the temple of Hera.

Take a few moments to thank Hera for her guidance and love.

When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes.

Remember to carry the love, peace, and energy of Hera with you!

Through this process, we can tap into a powerful force of love and manifesting that can help bring us closer to our true desires. We thank Hera for her guidance and for her powerful blessings. May the soul connection come to us in perfect Divine timing.

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Goddess Sulis Magic Spell for Weight Loss Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:10:22 +0000 Goddess Sulis is a powerful and ancient Celtic deity of the British Isles who is primarily associated with healing, hot springs, and the life-giving powers of water. She is believed to have been worshipped for thousands of years, with her cult reaching its peak during the Iron Age. Sulis’s origins

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Goddess Sulis is a powerful and ancient Celtic deity of the British Isles who is primarily associated with healing, hot springs, and the life-giving powers of water. She is believed to have been worshipped for thousands of years, with her cult reaching its peak during the Iron Age.

Sulis’s origins are debated among scholars, but many believe that she was originally a Celtic sun goddess and may have been related to the Roman Minerva. Sulis is said to have been the goddess of the natural thermal spring of Bath, England, which was known to the Celts as Aquae Sulis. She was often worshipped in the form of a spring-fed pool in which votive offerings were made.

Sulis was also associated with healing and various forms of divination, including augury and clairvoyance. She was believed to be able to cure illnesses and provide insight into the future. Offerings were made to Sulis in the form of jewelry, coins, and even human and animal sacrifices.

In addition to her role in healing and divination, Sulis was also associated with the forces of nature. She was thought to be able to both cause and cure storms, and she was believed to be able to manipulate the weather.

Sulis was often depicted in Celtic art as a beautiful woman with wings and sometimes a spear. She was also associated with owls and dragons, which were believed to be her messengers.

Today, Sulis is still remembered and worshipped by some modern-day pagans. She is often invoked for protection, healing, and guidance.


Goddess Sulis is a powerful deity in Celtic mythology, and her invocation can be used to help those seeking a healthier lifestyle and weight loss. This invocation calls upon the divine energy of Sulis to help you on your journey to a healthier life.

As you read the invocation, focus your intention on the results you wish to achieve. Visualize yourself as healthy and strong, and embody the strength of Sulis as you repeat the invocation.

Goddess Sulis, I call upon your power.

Help me to live a healthy life full of energy and vitality.

May I discover the beauty of my body and appreciate its natural form.

Lead me to the path of positive health and strong well-being.

Help me to make wise choices and develop healthy habits.

May I overcome my cravings and enjoy nourishing food.

Help me to stay motivated and exercise regularly.

Grant me the courage to persist, even when I encounter obstacles.

Empower me to reach my health goals and find joy in the journey.

Give me the strength to focus on my well-being and practice self-care.

Goddess Sulis, I thank you for your assistance.

As I embrace the path of health and wellness, I humbly honor you.

Blessed Be

As you recite the invocation, allow Sulis’ energy to flow through your body. Feel her power, her strength, and her unconditional love. Remember that Sulis is with you every step of the way on your weight-loss journey.

May this invocation bring you closer to your weight-loss goals, and may it fill you with the courage and strength to take the necessary steps to achieve them.


Goddess Sulis,

I come to you in reverence and respect. I seek your blessing in my journey toward health, wellness, and weight loss. I know that my success in this endeavor will require a great deal of discipline, perseverance, and dedication. I humbly ask for your assistance in this effort.

I thank you for the guidance that you have provided me thus far, and I ask that you continue to be with me on this journey. I am trusting in you to provide me with strength, courage, and determination to stay focused on my goals.

I ask that you bless me with an abundance of patience and perseverance so that I may make steady progress on my journey. I ask that you guide me in the right direction so that I may discover the healthiest and most effective ways to lose weight.

I ask that you provide me with the tools and resources that I need to succeed. Help me to find motivation and inspiration to stay on track. Help me to make wise decisions when it comes to food choices, exercise, and other lifestyle changes.

I ask that you bless me with the knowledge and understanding to make healthful choices and to be kind to myself. Help me to remember that the process is not always easy, but with your help, I will succeed.

I thank you for your guidance and assistance. I ask that you be with me every step of the way on this journey.

Blessed Me

Ritual Magic Spell

Goddess Sulis is an ancient Celtic goddess who is often associated with healing and spiritual protection. She is believed to have the power to help individuals lose weight, and many people rely on her power to bring balance to their lives. While some might choose to pray to Sulis for guidance, others might opt for a more magical approach to weight loss.

Before beginning, it is important to clear your mind and focus on positive thoughts. Begin by gathering a stone or talisman that represents the goddess and your desire to lose weight. It is also a good idea to keep a bowl of water nearby.

Sulis is a powerful goddess, and when you make an offering to her, you will be blessed with her magical energies for weight loss. One of the most popular offerings to Sulis is a bowl of water and a talisman or stone. This offering is believed to represent the three realms that Sulis is said to inhabit: the spiritual realm, the physical realm, and the realm of dreams.

The water and the talisman or stone should be placed in the center of the bowl, symbolizing the connection between the realms.

Visualize the energy of the water entering the stones and talismans, and feel the power of the goddess enter into your body.

Then, you should close your eyes and focus on the image of Sulis and your desired weight loss goal. You should then recite a prayer to Sulis, thanking her for her divine knowledge and power.

Recite this prayer:

“Goddess Sulis, I come to you as a humble seeker. Please grant me the power to lose weight and bring balance back into my life. Bless this water, that it may bring with it the energy of transformation. Bring me the courage and strength to make the necessary changes.”

Once you have made your offering and said your prayer, take the bowl of water and a talisman or stone and use it to draw a virtual circle around yourself in your mind’s eye. This circle is meant to represent the boundary between the physical and spiritual realms. As you walk around the circle, visualizing your desired weight loss goal, you should feel the power of Sulis emanating from within.

After completing the circle, you should then take the bowl of water and a talisman or stone and place it in the center of the circle. This is where you will make your offering to Sulis. You should then close your eyes and focus on your desired weight loss goal and the power of Sulis. Visualize yourself enveloped in the white light of Sulis and feel the positive energy radiating from her.

As you focus your intentions and recite a prayer of gratitude to Sulis, you should feel her power taking effect in helping you to lose weight.

To complete the spell, remove the stone or talisman from the bowl and place it on a plate and leave it overnight to absorb the energy of the goddess. In the morning, pick up the stone or talisman and carry them with you throughout the day. Whenever you feel the need for strength or guidance, take a few moments to hold it in your hands and connect with the goddess.

After you have completed the spell, take a quiet moment to meditate and focus on your intention. Take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself achieving the results you desire.

Following these steps for a few weeks or months should help you to see great results. Over time, the spell will help to transform your body and bring balance back into your life. Not only will you be able to lose weight, but you will also be able to find inner peace and spiritual fulfillment.

Goddess Sulis is a powerful ancient Celtic figure who can help you to achieve your weight loss goals. Her magical spell is an easy and effective way to bring balance back into your life. With the help of Sulis, you can finally start to see the results you have been striving for and achieve your desired weight loss goal.

As with all spells and rituals, the power of this spell comes from within you. Believe in yourself and the power of the spell, and you will begin to see the results you desire.

Guided Meditation Visualization

As you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, you are enveloped in a peaceful and calming energy. You feel your body relax, and you begin to drift away to the forest.

As you settle into your meditation space, take some deep breaths and visualize a tranquil forest filled with tall trees and lush foliage. Feel the peace and tranquility of the forest as you take in the sights and sounds of nature.

You walk through a path that is illuminated by the moonlight, and you can feel the peacefulness and serenity of the night. You come to a place where the water is bubbling and steaming, and you know that this is the place you have been looking for.

In the center of the forest, you find a hot spring, the source of life and healing energy. You walk towards the pool, and as you get closer, you can feel the heat of the water radiating from the pool.

As you step into the pool, you can feel the warmth of the water surrounding your body and calming your spirit. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax in the soothing environment of the hot springs.

As you enter the warm water, you can feel the healing energy that is radiating from the water. You look up and see the stars twinkling in the night sky.

As you relax, you feel a presence behind you, and you turn around to find the Goddess Sulis standing before you. She is a beautiful Goddess that radiates light and warmth.

You bow your head in respect and take a step forward. You offer her a sparkling stone, a symbol of your commitment to transforming your body and losing weight.

You hold the stone in your hand, and as it glows brightly, you can feel a deep connection to Goddess Sulis.

Allow the Goddess to take the stone and use it to amplify your intentions.

Goddess Sulis smiles at you and nods in agreement. You can feel an energy radiating from her that is filled with love, acceptance, and understanding.

She smiles at you and speaks to you:

“Welcome, my child. You have come to seek my help in transforming your body and losing weight. I am here to guide you and help you on your journey.

Take my hand and allow me to lead you deeper into the healing waters of the hot springs. As we go deeper, let your mind and body relax even more.”

Feel the warmth of the water surrounding you and the energy of the Goddess Sulis permeating your being.

Through this offering, you are asking Goddess Sulis to use the stone as a conduit to take your excess weight and transform it into healing energy.

Let your thoughts and worries drift away, and focus on your intention to lose weight. Visualize yourself in the peak of health and fitness. See yourself with a toned body and glowing skin. Feel the joy and satisfaction that comes with achieving your goals.

You stand in the warm water and feel the healing energy of Goddess Sulis and the stone surging through you. As the energy radiates through your body, you can feel your body transforming and your excess weight melting away. You feel a newfound sense of peace, lightness, and clarity.

Feel the energy of the Goddess Sulis working through you to help you achieve your goals.

You watch as she places the stone into her healing water, and it slowly starts to sink. You know that the transformation you have experienced is real, and you are now ready to start your journey to losing weight and transforming your body.

The ceremony is complete.

Finally, thank Goddess Sulis for her help and guidance.

As you walk away from the healing waters, you can feel the energy of Goddess Sulis and your connection to the stone. You are filled with a renewed sense of confidence and determination that you can and will reach your ideal weight and body image.

When you are ready, slowly come back to the present moment and open your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and thank the Goddess for her help and guidance.

Goddess Sulis is with you always and will help you reach your goals. Trust in her, and you will be successful.

You can practice any or all of these magical rituals separately or all together at any time on your weight loss journey to raise motivation when you feel stuck or on a plateau, and then you will instantly get back on track on the physical plane. But know that on the spiritual plane, the Goddess is helping you every step of the way! You just may need an extra little mental nudge once in a while on the physical plane!

The power of the Goddess Sulis is available to us all! With her help, we can make healthy lifestyle changes that will lead to lasting results.

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Goddess Ceridwen Magic Spell for Attaining Psychic Answers, Wisdom, and Knowledge Tue, 31 Jan 2023 08:26:26 +0000 Goddess Ceridwen is a Celtic goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration. She is a powerful figure who is associated with psychic answers, foresight, and even magic. The ancient Celts believed that Ceridwen was a figure of great power and knowledge. She was thought to be the guardian of the cauldron

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Goddess Ceridwen is a Celtic goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration. She is a powerful figure who is associated with psychic answers, foresight, and even magic.

The ancient Celts believed that Ceridwen was a figure of great power and knowledge. She was thought to be the guardian of the cauldron of inspiration and creation. It was believed that the cauldron was a vessel of great wisdom in which she brewed a magical potion that could grant knowledge to anyone who drank it.

Ceridwen was also believed to be a goddess of the moon and was believed to be the source of the power of the Druids. She was seen as the source of insight and wisdom and was also known for her connection to the Otherworld.

Ceridwen’s cauldron of knowledge is also a symbol of the divine feminine. It is believed that the cauldron was a symbol of transformation and renewal and was a source of great spiritual power. This power was said to be able to grant mortals knowledge, wisdom, and even psychic answers.

Those who seek to tap into the wisdom of Ceridwen can do so by honoring her with rituals and offerings. Offerings can include incense, candles, food, and other items that will help connect you to Ceridwen’s power.

When you are ready to seek the wisdom of Ceridwen, it is important to keep in mind that her power is not something to be taken lightly. She is a powerful figure and should be respected as such. If you are able to connect with her, you will be able to gain access to her power and knowledge, which can be used to transform your life.


Goddess Ceridwen is a powerful goddess of Welsh mythology and folklore, best known for her association with the cauldron of knowledge and inspiration. She is a complex goddess, with a deep and mysterious past.

She was the mother of Afagddu, a hideous son, and Creirwy, a beautiful daughter, and was married to Tegid Foel. Together, they lived near Llyn Tegid, or Bala Lake, in northern Wales. Her presence in Welsh literature and poetry of the medieval period is significant, and she is often referred to as the goddess of knowledge and inspiration. Ceridwen’s cauldron was said to be filled with the secrets of poetic inspiration.

Ceridwen is believed to be an old Celtic goddess, and her presence in Welsh folklore dates back to the sixth century. In ancient Welsh tradition, she was seen as a wise and beautiful goddess. She was associated with the moon, the sea, and the underworld and was believed to be a powerful sorceress. She was also the guardian of knowledge and wisdom, and her cauldron was believed to be the source of all knowledge and inspiration.

In the Mabinogi, Ceridwen was the mother of Taliesin, the greatest of all Welsh bards. It is said that she gave him his name, which means “radiant brow”. She is also associated with magical arts and sorcery and is thought to have brewed a magical potion in her cauldron. This potion, known as the “greal”, was used to transform her son, Afagddu, into a handsome man.

The Mabinogi also tells of Ceridwen’s love for Tegid Foel, her husband. When Tegid was killed in battle, Ceridwen was so grief-stricken that she turned herself into a white sow and went into the sea. She was eventually found by the sea god, Manannan, and taken to his kingdom beneath the waves. There, she was transformed back into her goddess form and reunited with her husband.

Ceridwen is also remembered in the Welsh story of Taliesin. In this tale, Taliesin uses the cauldron of Ceridwen to gain knowledge and inspiration. The cauldron is also said to have contained the famous “greal”, the magical brew that transformed Afagddu into a handsome man.

Ceridwen’s legacy lives on in Welsh culture today. Her cauldron is believed to be a source of inspiration and knowledge, and she is remembered as a powerful figure in Welsh folklore and mythology. Her presence in medieval Welsh poetry is an important reminder that she was, and still is, an important figure in Welsh culture.


We call forth the divine energies of the powerful Goddess Ceridwen to bring us answers, wisdom, and knowledge. Goddess Ceridwen is a powerful Welsh goddess of prophecy, knowledge, and inspiration. She is the keeper of the cauldron of knowledge, a symbol of the wisdom of the universe. Ceridwen is believed to have brewed a magical potion which granted the drinker wisdom beyond the boundaries of human understanding.

We call on the divine energy of Ceridwen to help guide us in our search for knowledge and wisdom. We seek her guidance in order to understand the inner workings of the universe and gain insight into the mysteries of life. We ask that she open her cauldron of knowledge to us and pour forth the divine wisdom within.

We ask that the energies of Ceridwen be invoked to help us to see the truth in all things, to see the hidden potential in all of our struggles, and to help us to manifest our highest potential. We call upon the powerful energies of Ceridwen to help us to find the answers we seek, to gain insight into our lives, and to obtain wisdom and knowledge beyond our current understanding.

We thank you, Goddess Ceridwen, for your divine guidance and for the powerful energies that you bring forth. We thank you for your guidance and for opening the cauldron of knowledge to us. We thank you for granting us the wisdom to understand the mysteries of life.

We honor and thank you, Goddess Ceridwen, for your divine presence and for the wisdom and knowledge that you grant us. May we all find the answers we seek, and may we all gain wisdom and knowledge beyond our current understanding.


A Prayer to Goddess Ceridwen

O blessed Ceridwen, mother of all knowledge,
Goddess of inspiration and wisdom,
You, who are the greatest source of psychic answers,

Bless me with your power and presence,
And grant me your precious gifts.

Help me to find the knowledge and insight I seek,
So I can better understand the mysteries of life.

Open my eyes to the truth that lies beneath the surface,
So I can see the hidden potential within.

Guide me to the paths of knowledge and understanding,
So I can make the most of every moment.

Give me the courage and strength to take risks and embrace change,
So I can grow and evolve into the person I’m meant to be.

Bless me with your wisdom,
So I can use it to make wise decisions and find fulfillment.

Grant me the power to persevere and never give up,
When the going gets tough, and the odds are stacked against me.

And finally,
Fill my heart with joy and peace,
So I can live a life of joy and contentment.

Thank you,
Goddess Ceridwen,
For hearing my prayer
And granting me your precious gifts.

Blessed Be

Ritual Magic Spell

Goddess Ceridwen is renowned for her wisdom, knowledge, and psychic abilities. She was believed to have created a cauldron of knowledge and inspiration and was said to have brewed a magical potion that granted wisdom to anyone who drank it.

In honor of her, this is a powerful ritual spell used to invoke her powers and to help us gain knowledge, wisdom, and answers to our questions.

To begin, gather your supplies: a candle, some incense, a bowl of pure spring water, a feather, a talisman such as a stone, crystal, or piece of jewelry, and a white cloth. Place all your items on a table and spread the white cloth over it.

Light the candle and the incense. Then, holding the feather, focus on your intention and call upon the Goddess Ceridwen. Speak aloud the following words: “Goddess Ceridwen, I call upon you and your divine presence. Please bless me with your psychic knowledge and wisdom.”

Next, dip the feather into the bowl of spring water and sprinkle it around the table three times. Visualize the goddess granting you her wisdom and guidance.

Place the talisman on the table, visualizing it absorbing all the powerful energy of the goddess. As you do so, repeat the following mantra three times:

“Goddess Ceridwen, grant me knowledge, grant me answers, grant me wisdom.”

“Goddess Ceridwen, grant me knowledge, grant me answers, grant me wisdom.”

“Goddess Ceridwen, grant me knowledge, grant me answers, grant me wisdom.”

Next, take the candle and move in a circular motion over the bowl, repeating the incantation three times. As you do so, visualize yourself being surrounded by a golden light of knowledge and wisdom.

Next, recite the following incantation:

“Goddess Ceridwen, I call upon your wisdom,
Illuminate my path with truth and understanding.
Open my eyes to see the answers
That will guide my steps to knowledge and insight.”

After this, focus on your question, what it is you want to know and why you want to know it. Take some moments to really think about the question and feel the energy of the goddess within you.

When you are finished, thank the goddess for her gifts and carefully extinguish the candle and the incense. Wrap up the talisman in the white cloth and store it in a safe place.

You should perform this ritual whenever you have a question or dilemma that you are unsure of. You can use the same talisman every time and let it be your designated amulet that anchors psychic energy from Goddess Ceridwen to you. You can also wear it at any time, especially during psychic readings, when giving answers to others, or receiving insight for yourself. The ritual should help you to gain answers and solutions that will move you in the right direction.

Blessed be!

Guided Meditation Visualization

This is your guided meditation visualization to connect to Goddess Ceridwen for attaining psychic answers, wisdom, and knowledge.

Begin by settling yourself into a comfortable position, allowing your body to relax. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths until you feel yourself become still and relaxed.

Now imagine yourself in a beautiful forest surrounded by nature’s beauty. As you look around, you notice a beautiful lake in the middle of the forest. You are drawn to it, and you make your way closer.

As you approach the lake, you notice a woman sitting on the edge. You recognize her from the stories you’ve heard – it’s Goddess Ceridwen. As you come closer, you can feel her presence filling the air around you.

Goddess Ceridwen looks at you with a gentle smile as if she has been expecting you. She invites you to sit by her side, and you do so, feeling her warmth and love radiating from her.

Goddess Ceridwen then begins to speak. She tells you that you have come to her seeking answers, wisdom, and knowledge. She then places her hands on your forehead and you feel warm, calming energy entering your body. You can feel the energy radiating through your whole body, bringing you peace and clarity.

Goddess Ceridwen then takes your hands and leads you to the center of the lake. You notice a cauldron floating in the middle of the lake, and you understand that it is the cauldron of knowledge and inspiration.

Goddess Ceridwen then invites you to drink from the cauldron. As you do so, you can feel the magical potion infusing your being with wisdom and knowledge. You become filled with insight and understanding, and your psychic abilities sharpen and strengthen.

Goddess Ceridwen then stands from the lake and invites you to stand with her. She then places her hands on your forehead once again, and you can feel the energy of her love and wisdom radiating through your being.

You thank Goddess Ceridwen for her guidance, and you begin to make your way back out of the forest. As you do so, you can feel your newfound wisdom and knowledge, giving you the guidance and insight you need for your life’s journey.

Take a few moments to sit in the peace and tranquillity of this meditation, allowing the gifts of Goddess Ceridwen to fill your being. When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths to steady yourself.

Take with you the insight and wisdom you have gained, and be confident in your newfound abilities.

Thank you, Goddess Ceridwen.

Ceridwen is a powerful figure who should be honored and respected. Her wisdom and power can help you gain insight and knowledge and can help you find the answers you seek. By connecting with her and honoring her, you can gain access to her power and knowledge and will be able to use it to transform your life. You can practice any or all of these rituals separately or all together any time you need to raise psychic answers from the universe.

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Goddess Hestia Magic Spell for Manifesting Your Dream Home Mon, 30 Jan 2023 14:08:39 +0000 Goddess Hestia is a primordial deity in Greek mythology that was worshipped in ancient Greece. She is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family, and is associated with the sacred fire found in the hearth of every home. She was seen as both a protector and source of comfort

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Goddess Hestia is a primordial deity in Greek mythology that was worshipped in ancient Greece. She is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family, and is associated with the sacred fire found in the hearth of every home. She was seen as both a protector and source of comfort and warmth.

Hestia is the eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hera. She is often depicted as a beautiful young woman with long, flowing hair and wearing a crown of flowers.

In the ancient Greek pantheon, Hestia was a significant figure in the religion of the Mycenaean culture. She was often associated with cults related to fire, fertility, hospitality, and the home. She was also the goddess of the hearth, and it was believed that the fire in the hearth was her sacred fire.

Hestia was described as being a kind and generous goddess who was devoted to protecting the home and its inhabitants. She was also seen as a source of comfort and warmth, offering a safe haven for families and loved ones.

Hestia was also known as the goddess of the sacred fire, and she was responsible for the hearth at the center of a home. She was believed to be the protector of domestic life, and the keeper of the flame of hospitality.

In Greek mythology, Hestia is given many roles and responsibilities. As the goddess of the hearth, she was believed to protect the home and its family. She was also believed to offer protection against evil spirits, and was seen as a guardian of the sacred fire that burned in the home.

Hestia was also known as the goddess of the sacred flame of Vesta, which was maintained in the Temple of Vesta in Rome. In this temple, a perpetual fire burned, which was tended to by the Vestal Virgins, who were chosen Roman priestesses.

Hestia was also an important figure in the Eleusinian Mysteries, an annual religious mystery cult in Ancient Greece. She was believed to have been one of the deities honored in the cult, and was believed to be the protector of the faithful and the keeper of sacred knowledge.

Hestia was often depicted as a beautiful woman with a serene face. She was often depicted in a seated position, wearing a long dress and mantle, and holding a staff or torch in her hand.

Hestia was also the goddess of hospitality and was said to be generous to strangers who came to her home. She was also believed to be one of the main deities that offered protection and guidance to travelers, and was seen as a patron of those who ventured outside their home.

Hestia was also seen as the goddess of families and marriage. She was believed to be a protector of marriage and family and was said to be present at all family gatherings. She was also seen as a symbol of unity and harmony between all members of a family. Her devotion to the home and family has been celebrated and honored for centuries. She is a source of comfort and warmth, and is a great protector of all those who seek to build a home and family.

In addition to these roles, Hestia was believed to be an influential figure in the underworld. She was said to be the goddess of the dead, and was seen as a guardian and protector of those who had passed away. She was also believed to be a judge of those who were in the afterlife.

Hestia was an important figure in Greek mythology and was seen as a symbol of strength, protection, and harmony. She was a powerful goddess that was revered by the ancient Greeks and was an important part of their religion and culture.


To begin, call upon Hestia to bless you with a new home. Invoke her presence into your home and your life. Invite her to bring her protective energy and her manifesting power into your space.

Now, speak your intention for a new home. Speak from the heart, and speak with conviction. Imagine the feeling of having your new home manifesting into reality.

Take a moment to connect to the energy of your new home. Visualize the walls and the ceilings, the furniture and the decorations, the warmth and the love that will fill your new home.

Continue to call upon Hestia and speak your intention. Feel the power of her presence in your home and your life.

Now, thank Hestia for bringing her blessings and energies into your home. Feel the energy of the goddess Hestia fill your home and your life with her protection and her manifesting power.

Allow the energy of your new home to fill your entire being. Feel the peace, the security, the stability, and the love that will fill this home.

Thank Hestia for her presence and for her blessings.

Finally, release the energy of your invocation and know that it has been heard. Know that Hestia is with you and that she is working to manifest your new home.

With faith and trust, you will soon be blessed with a new home.


Goddess Hestia, I come before you in reverence and gratitude, seeking your blessing and divine guidance as I manifest a new home.

I thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me, and I humbly ask that you continue to guide me as I manifest a new home. I am so grateful for all the abundance you have brought me in the past, and I am confident that you will provide me with the same support and strength as I strive for my new home.

Please bless me with clarity of mind and open my heart to the abundance of possibilities available to me. Help me to be patient and hopeful in my journey and to trust that what is meant for me will come. Fill me with courage and strength so that I may take the necessary steps to bring my dream home into my life.

Help me to be mindful of the details that will make my home a place of love, light, and joy. May my home be a sanctuary of peace, a place of refuge and comfort for myself, my family, and my friends.

Bless me with the resources needed to make my dream home a reality. Grant me the wisdom to make wise decisions, the confidence to take action, and the discipline to stay on track.

Finally, I thank you for the gift of this new home and I ask that you continue to shower me with your divine grace and guidance. May I always remember that I am blessed and that I have the power to bring my dreams into reality.

Thank you, Goddess Hestia. I am so grateful.

Blessed Be

Ritual Magic Spell

This is a powerful ritual that will help you manifest your dreams into reality and create a new home for yourself.

Goddess Hestia has been venerated since ancient times and is the goddess of the hearth, home and family. She is the protector of those who seek her guidance and her spell will bring you the protection and peace of mind that comes with having a safe, secure and cozy home.

To begin this spell, light a white candle and cast a circle around yourself. Call upon the energies of Goddess Hestia and ask her to bless you with the power to manifest your dreams. Visualize your dream home – its size, color, layout, and all the features you desire – and feel the energy of this place fill your entire being.

Now, bring to mind all the love and warmth that you wish to fill the new space. Feel the love and safety that you want to be the cornerstone of your new home and focus on creating the perfect environment for yourself.

As the candle is burning, you can meditate on the type of person you want to become in your new home. Visualize yourself being surrounded by the people and things that bring you joy and peace.

When the candle has finished burning, thank Goddess Hestia for her guidance and protection and release the energy from the ritual. Know that your new home is coming to you and be grateful for the opportunity to create the perfect space for yourself.

Finally, take action! Manifesting your dream home requires that you take steps to make it happen. Look for homes in your desired area, research the area, and start the process of making your dream home a reality.

Goddess Hestia is with you every step of the way, providing you with the strength and guidance you need to make your dream home a reality.

Guided Meditation Visualization

Goddess Hestia is the embodiment of the sacred fire that burns in our hearths, the home of our souls, and in our hearts. She is the keeper of the sacred flame, the bringer of warmth, and the protector of our homes. With her help, we can bring the energy of home into our lives and manifest a beautiful new space for ourselves.

To start, find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Feel your body relaxed and at ease.

Now, imagine that you’re standing in a beautiful garden. You see a path in front of you, and it leads to a magical door. As you walk down the path, you can feel a gentle warmth emanating from the door. You open the door, and you see a beautiful room with a fire burning in the hearth. You can feel the warmth and safety of this room, and with it, the energy of Hestia.

Take a moment to connect with the energy of Hestia. Feel the warmth and safety of this room, and the love and care that Hestia brings. Now that you’re connected with Hestia, you can begin to visualize your perfect home.

Visualize the size, shape, and layout of your new home. Imagine the color of the walls, the furniture, and the decorations. Feel the warmth and love that your home brings you. Imagine that you’re living in your perfect home.

Now, imagine that the room you’re in is beginning to fill with a golden light. This light is the energy of Hestia and home. Let it fill you and your home with warmth and love. Feel the energy of Hestia, and let it carry your home into existence.

When you’re ready, take a few moments to savor the feeling of being in your new home. Feel the warmth and love that it brings you.

Take a few more deep breaths, and when you’re ready, open your eyes.

Take the energy of home and Hestia with you, and start the process of manifesting your perfect home. May the energy of Hestia bring you the home of your dreams.

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Goddess Tyche Magic Spell for Manifesting Fortune, Wealth, and Success Mon, 30 Jan 2023 11:48:53 +0000 Goddess Tyche is an ancient Greek goddess, often depicted as a beautiful young woman with an abundance of long flowing locks and a wreath of wheat and grapes in her hair. She is the personification of fortune, luck, and prosperity, and her presence and influence are thought to bring good

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Goddess Tyche is an ancient Greek goddess, often depicted as a beautiful young woman with an abundance of long flowing locks and a wreath of wheat and grapes in her hair. She is the personification of fortune, luck, and prosperity, and her presence and influence are thought to bring good luck and blessings to those who honor her.

Tyche is said to be the daughter of Zeus and Eunomia, the goddess of law and order, and the sister of Nemesis, the goddess of justice and retribution. She is also associated with Themis, the goddess of divine justice, and Agathos Daimon, the god of fortune and luck.

According to some versions of the myth, Tyche was responsible for creating the world’s first coin, and from then on, she had a hand in the fate of all monetary transactions. She was seen as the protector of merchants, bankers, and anyone who was involved in any sort of commerce. It was believed that if someone made a transaction or took a risk, Tyche would ensure it was successful or at least not too disastrous.

In some stories, Tyche is also credited with inventing the first lottery. This lottery was known as the ‘Tyché’ and was used to decide who would become ruler of a city. She is also sometimes credited with inventing the first form of gambling and the games of chance that exist today.

Tyche was often portrayed as a beautiful young woman, and many cultures around the world have adopted her as their own symbol of good luck. She is a popular symbol of the modern-day ‘luck of the draw’ and is often seen as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. Her presence is often seen as a sign of good luck, and she is often invoked in times of need.

In some myths, Tyche is said to have been born from the foam of the sea and was taken in by Athena, who raised and nurtured her. Tyche was also often seen as a messenger of the gods, carrying messages from the gods and helping to bring them to the mortals.

Tyche was also often seen as a bringer of good luck and fortune, and her influence was sought by both the common people and the rulers of the time. She was often seen as a protector of the innocent, the poor, and the weak, and it was believed that she could bring them good luck and fortune.

Today, Tyche is still seen as a symbol of luck and prosperity, and her influence is still sought by many. She is seen as a bringer of good luck and fortune and is often invoked in times of need. Her presence and influence can be a powerful force for good, and she is a popular figure in many cultures.


Let us invoke the Goddess Tyche, the Greek Goddess of Fortune and Success. She can manifest wealth, fortune, and success in your life.

Tyche is a rare and remarkable goddess. She is the personification of luck, prosperity, and success. Her benevolence can bring great fortune and success to those who invoke her. It is believed that she can influence the outcome of events, and can even change the future.

To invoke Tyche, you should begin by meditating and focusing on the energy of the goddess. When you do, you will be able to ask her to help you manifest wealth, fortune, and success in your life. You can also ask her to bring good luck, prosperity, and success into your life.

The best time to invoke Tyche is during the full moon, but you can do so at any time. When you are ready, say the invocation prayer silently or chant outloud to the goddess. After the invocation, ask her to bring wealth, fortune, and success into your life. Focus your energy on what you want.

As I call upon the divine energies of the goddess Tyche, I invoke with reverence and deep respect the divine power and grace that she embodies.

O Tyche, goddess of fortune, luck, and fate, I call upon you to bring great fortune and wealth into my life. I thank you for the abundance that you bring, and I affirm that my life is filled with blessings and prosperity.

Let your energy fill me with the courage and strength to manifest my dreams and goals. Help me to take the necessary steps to create wealth and abundance in my life.

Grant me the insight and wisdom to make wise decisions and to create a life of abundance and prosperity. Bless me with the fortitude and determination to stay focused on my goals and to stay in alignment with the energies of prosperity.

Help me to manifest abundance in all areas of my life, including my career, relationships, finances, and health. Let your energy guide me to the right people and resources that I need to help me achieve my goals and manifest wealth.

O Tyche, help me to live a life of joy and abundance. Let your energy fill me with the courage and strength to take risks, to be creative and innovative, and to take action on my dreams and goals.

Let your energy open the door to success and help me to create a life of wealth and abundance. Guide me to the right path and to the right opportunities that will bring great fortune and wealth into my life.

Thank you, Tyche, for granting me the wisdom, courage and strength to manifest great fortune and wealth into my life. I am deeply grateful for your divine energy and grace.

So it is, and so it shall be. Blessed be.

Once you have invoked Tyche, you should practice gratitude. Thank the goddess for her blessings and express your gratitude. You can also offer her a gift or small token of appreciation, such as a flower or incense.

Once you have invoked Tyche, you should practice gratitude. Thank the goddess for her blessings and express your gratitude. You can also offer her a gift or small token of appreciation, such as a flower or incense.


Goddess Tyche,

I come to you today with a humble heart, seeking your blessing and guidance in manifesting wealth, fortune, and success in all areas of my life. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to thank you and to ask for your help. I am seeking your help in manifesting wealth, fortune, and success in my life.

I know that my efforts and hard work are essential in my journey to success, but I also recognize the importance of having your blessings and guidance. I ask that you open the doors of opportunity to me and guide me in my life.

Please help me to recognize the possibilities around me and provide me with the courage to pursue them. Help me to be aware of opportunities that I may not have considered and provide me with the wisdom to understand the right path forward.

Help me to focus on my goals and stay persistent in the face of adversity. Give me the strength to persevere and the fortitude to stay the course.

Grant me the wisdom to make wise investments and surround me with the right people who can help me manifest my dreams. Let my creativity and imagination flow and give me the insight to recognize the best way forward.

Most of all, please fill my heart and soul with positivity, love, and joy. Let my spirit be filled with happiness and contentment and let me be thankful for the abundance of wealth and success that I am blessed with.

Thank you, Goddess Tyche, for your guidance, love, and blessings in my life. I ask that you continue to bless me with your presence and guidance in my life.

Blessed Be

Ritual Magic Spell

Goddess Tyche is the goddess of fortune, luck, and wealth. She is the patron of gamblers, merchants, and adventurers. Her divine influence is sought out by those seeking to improve their luck in life and increase their wealth.

This powerful spell will help manifest your desires for wealth and fortune.

To begin, gather the following items:

-A piece of paper
-A pen
-A candle
-Dried sage
-A crystal or gemstone
-A gold coin
-A piece of cloth

The cloth should be large enough to wrap around you, as you will be performing the ritual within the cloth.

Begin by setting up a sacred space. If you have an altar, set it up on the altar and light the candle. Place the crystal or gemstone in the center of the altar. Place the gold coin on the altar, too.

Take the piece of paper and write down your intention for the ritual. For example, you could write, “I call upon the energy of Goddess Tyche to bring me great fortune and wealth.”

Now, light the sage and smudge the sacred space. As you smudge, visualize the smoke purifying the space, and imagine your intention radiating out into the universe.

When the smoke has cleared, take the cloth and wrap it around yourself. As you do this, visualize yourself being surrounded by the energy of Goddess Tyche. Feel her energy filling your body, and imagine her blessing you with great fortune and wealth.

As the cloth wraps around you, say the following invocation:

“Goddess Tyche, I call upon your energy to bring me great fortune and wealth. I ask that you grant me the power to manifest my desires. Guide me in my journey, and bless me with great fortune and wealth. So mote it be!”

When you have finished the spell, take the gold coin and place it in your pocket as a symbol of your intentions.

Allow yourself to relax and be open to the energy of Goddess Tyche. Visualize yourself surrounded by her energy and feel her blessings.

When you are done, thank the goddess for her energy and guidance.

Now, take the paper with your intention written on it and burn it. As the paper burns, visualize your intention manifesting in your life.

Finally, take the crystal or gemstone and carry it with you as a reminder of your ritual and the energy of Goddess Tyche.

Guided Meditation Visualization

First, take a few moments to settle yourself into your meditation space. Find a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths. Feel your body relax and let go of any worries or concerns. Now you can begin your journey.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing on a beach. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. You are completely safe and secure here.

Now, take a few moments to call upon Goddess Tyche. Visualize her standing before you in all her divine glory. Feel her energy and power radiating out to you.

Take a deep breath and feel the abundance pouring into your life. Feel the warmth of her energy and the power of her presence.

Now focus on what you want to manifest in your life. Visualize the abundance pouring into your life. Feel it entering you and see it as a tangible reality. Feel the abundance and prosperity filling your life and radiating out to others.

Now, thank Goddess Tyche for her support and guidance. Feel the abundance and prosperity you have asked for, and thank her for her help.

Now, it’s time to take your experience with you. Open your eyes, take a few moments to settle yourself, and then take a few moments to reflect on your experience.

By following these steps, you can manifest great fortune and wealth in your life.

May you be blessed with great fortune and wealth. So mote it be!

Remember that Goddess Tyche is always available to you when you need her. Whenever you feel in need of her help, just call upon her to lend you her strength and power.

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Goddess Artemis Magic Spell for Finding Your Career Calling and Life Purpose Mon, 30 Jan 2023 07:45:30 +0000 Goddess Artemis, the daughter of Zeus and Leto, is a powerful and revered goddess of Greek mythology. She is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, wild animals, childbirth, and virginity. As a fierce and independent goddess, she is often portrayed as a huntress with a bow and arrow, and wearing

The post Goddess Artemis Magic Spell for Finding Your Career Calling and Life Purpose appeared first on Create Good Luck.


Goddess Artemis, the daughter of Zeus and Leto, is a powerful and revered goddess of Greek mythology. She is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, wild animals, childbirth, and virginity. As a fierce and independent goddess, she is often portrayed as a huntress with a bow and arrow, and wearing a short skirt and huntress cap.

Artemis was born on the island of Delos, a place steeped in ancient mythology. Legends claim that she was born in one day, with her twin brother Apollo, and that she was the first immortal to step foot on the island. Her mother, Leto, was a titan, and her father, Zeus, was the king of the gods. From a young age, she was known for her love of animals and the wilderness.

In Greek mythology, Artemis is often depicted as an unmarried woman who chooses to remain unmarried, and who is fiercely independent. She is known for her independence, her strength, and her steadfastness. She is also known for her kind and merciful nature, as well as her respect for the natural world.

Artemis is the patron goddess of childbirth, and she is said to have aided in the safe delivery of many babies. Her symbols are the bow and arrow, a crescent moon, and the deer. Her sacred animals include the stag, bear, and deer.

The goddess is also associated with hunting and archery. As the protector of wild animals and nature, she is often called upon to protect hunters from danger. She is also associated with the moon and its phases, which are said to have powerful effects on the tides and the weather.

Artemis has been venerated since ancient times, with many shrines and temples dedicated to her in various parts of the world. Her cults and festivals are still celebrated in many parts of Greece and around the world.

Artemis is a powerful and inspiring goddess, and her influence can be found in many areas of modern life. She is a reminder to us of the importance of respecting nature and the power of the female spirit. She is a source of strength, courage, and wisdom, and her example can be a powerful source of inspiration.

Finding Your Career Calling and Life Purpose

Are you searching for a career calling and life purpose? Then you’ve been called here to the right place where we’ll be exploring a powerful invocation, prayer, ritual magic spell, and guided meditation that can help you find your calling and purpose in life.

You can practice them all together, one after another, or choose to practice only the one or the one you prefer. You don’t have to do them all if you choose not to, but the magic will still work!

First, we will invoke the energy of the Greek Goddess Artemis, the goddess of the hunt!


Artemis is a powerful goddess, and her energy can be used to help you discover the path you are meant to take in life. Through this invocation prayer, you can tap into her power and wisdom. This spell will help you develop a strong connection to your intuition and inner wisdom so that you can find the answers you are seeking.

To begin, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Picture yourself standing in a lush forest surrounded by ancient trees. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the wilderness all around you. Now, focus on the image of Artemis, the huntress. Feel her power and strength radiating from her.

The next step of the ritual is to invoke the Goddess Artemis. Focus on the candle and visualize her energy entering your space. Feel her power, her strength, and her grace. Speak these words aloud:

“Goddess Artemis, I call upon you to guide me and to lead me to my true purpose. I ask that you reveal to me where my true destiny lies and the career path that will bring me the most joy and fulfillment.”

Now, open your eyes and light a white candle. As you gaze into the flame, begin to chant the following invocation prayer:

Repeat this invocation prayer three times. As you do, continue to focus on the image of Artemis in your mind. Feel her power and strength filling you with courage and guidance. When you feel that you have connected with the energy of Artemis, thank her for her help and guidance.

Blow out the candle and open your eyes.


I ask for your guidance as I seek to discover my life purpose and career calling. I humbly come to you, asking for your divine insight and wisdom. May you show me the path to realizing my unique and individual destiny.

You, Artemis, are the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and the wild. You assist me in finding my inner strength and courage and help me to see the beauty that lies hidden within the darkness. You are a powerful reminder of the power of self-discovery and the importance of trusting my own intuition.

I offer my love and admiration to you, Artemis, as I seek your help in finding my career calling and life purpose. May your wisdom light my path and lead me to my true destiny. Guide me in my journey. Show me the way to make the most of my gifts and talents.

I thank you for your grace and guidance, and for showing me the way to a fulfilling and meaningful career. I know that with your help and a little courage, I can create a career that is rewarding and satisfying.

I also thank you, Goddess Artemis, for your protection and guidance. You are a powerful protector of women and a reminder of the power that comes with independence and self-confidence.

Your strength and guidance can help me to find my life purpose and career calling. May you take me on the journey to my true destiny, and guide me with love and understanding.

Thank you, Goddess Artemis, for your power and protection.

Blessed Be

Ritual Spell

This ritual spell is designed to help you unlock your true potential, to find your life purpose, and to discover the career path that is best suited for you.

For this spell, you will need a few items: a white candle, anointing oil, incense, a piece of paper, and a pen. Begin by anointing the candle with the oil and setting it in the center of your space. Light the candle and the incense, and take a few moments to meditate and relax.

Now, take the piece of paper and write down all of your hopes, dreams, and goals. What do you wish to accomplish in life? What kind of career do you envision for yourself? What is your ideal career path? Once you have written it all down, fold the paper and set it aside.

Take a few moments to meditate and clear your mind of all thoughts. Focus solely on the Goddess Artemis and her energy. When you are ready, open the paper and read aloud your hopes, dreams, and goals. As you do this, feel the Goddess’s energy enter your being and guide you towards the answers you seek.

Finally, take a few more moments to meditate and to thank the Goddess for her guidance. Blow out the candle and the incense, and keep the paper with you in a safe place.

Guided Meditation Visualization

This guided meditation will help you tap into the wisdom of Goddess Artemis to discover your true life purpose and career calling.

Before we begin, let’s take a few minutes to get settled. Sit or lie in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, and allow your body to relax. Feel the stress and tension in your body slowly melting away with every breath.

Now, visualize a large, lush forest in front of you. See the trees standing tall, their leaves rustling in the wind. Hear the birds singing in the background. You’re completely surrounded by nature in all its beauty and glory.

You take a few steps forward, and suddenly, you feel a presence behind you. You turn around to see a figure standing in the shadows – it’s Goddess Artemis. She smiles at you, her eyes twinkling with wisdom. She extends her hand to you and says, “Come…I will show you the way.”

You take her hand, and she leads you deeper into the forest. As you walk, you feel an energy radiating from her that is both calming and empowering. You feel safe and confident in her presence.

Soon, you come to an open meadow. In the center of the meadow, there is a pool of water. Goddess Artemis tells you to sit beside the pool and close your eyes. As you do, you feel her energy radiating through you. You feel her presence surrounding you in a gentle embrace.

Now, focus on your breath. Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into a meditative state.

As you breathe, ask yourself the following question: “What is my true life purpose and career calling?”

Allow yourself to be open to whatever answer comes to you. You may see images, feel sensations, or simply get a feeling. Trust whatever comes to you, and allow yourself to explore it.

When you’re done, thank Goddess Artemis for her guidance and wisdom. Open your eyes, and slowly come back to the present moment.

Take a few moments to write down any insights you got from this guided meditation visualization. What did you discover about your true life purpose and career calling? Reflect on your experience, and keep these insights with you as you move forward in your journey.

The invocation, prayer, ritual spell, and meditation can be performed together or individually as often as you feel necessary.

Remember to trust the process, be patient, and take action on the inspiration that comes to you.

May the Goddess Artemis bless you with the courage and insight to find your true purpose and career path.

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Goddess Aphrodite Magic Spell and Meditation Visualization for Attracting New Love Sun, 29 Jan 2023 17:42:41 +0000 Throughout the ages, the Greek Goddess Aphrodite – the goddess of beauty, love, pleasure, and procreation has been revered and worshipped for her power and grace and is often celebrated for her many gifts to mankind. Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione in Greek mythology, and is considered

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Throughout the ages, the Greek Goddess Aphrodite – the goddess of beauty, love, pleasure, and procreation has been revered and worshipped for her power and grace and is often celebrated for her many gifts to mankind.

Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione in Greek mythology, and is considered to be the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She is often portrayed as the most beautiful and desirable of the goddesses, and her beauty has been celebrated in art, literature, and poetry since the time of Homer.

In addition to her beauty, Aphrodite is also the goddess of pleasure and desire. She is often depicted as the one who sets the tone and fosters happy relationships between the sexes. She is also seen as the one who inspires all of the beautiful things in life, such as music, art, and literature. She is also known for her seductive charms, which can make even the most stalwart of men fall under her spell.

Aphrodite is also associated with a variety of symbols, such as the seashell, the dove, and the rose. These symbols were used in ancient Greece to represent her various attributes and powers, and are still seen today as symbols of beauty, love, and desire.

When it comes to mythology, Aphrodite is often considered to be the mother of Eros, the god of love. Her son is often depicted as a handsome young man with wings, who is sent down from the heavens to bring love and passion to the people of the world.

Though Aphrodite is mainly associated with beauty, love, and pleasure, she is also related to the power of wisdom. It is said that she was the one who gave the gift of wisdom to many of the ancient Greek gods, and this led to their great success in the world.

Aphrodite’s influence can be seen even today in many aspects of our lives. Whether it’s through art, literature, music, or even relationships, Aphrodite has a way of making things more beautiful and desirable. So next time you’re looking for a little bit of love, beauty, and pleasure, remember to thank the goddess Aphrodite.

Attracting New Love

If you feel like you are ready to open your heart to the possibility of a new and exciting relationship, then this magic is for you.

Goddess Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She is known for her beauty, charm, and grace, and her powers of love and lust are legendary. Her story is one of the most well-known and beloved in mythology, and her energy is believed to offer powerful assistance in matters of the heart.

She can be a powerful ally when it comes to seeking new love and relationships. By calling on her power, you can open up your heart to the possibility of a new and exciting relationship.


Invoking the power of the Goddess Aphrodite can help you to attract your desired partner into your life by awakening within you the energy and power of your own inner beauty and charm. The energy of Aphrodite can help you to open up to the possibilities of new love and to surrender to the power of love.

To invoke the power of Aphrodite, select an image of Aphrodite as your focus, either a statue, a painting or a vision in your mind of how you see her. Take a few moments to meditate on the image and allow yourself to connect to the goddess.

When you feel ready, begin by calling upon the Goddess Aphrodite.

Start by saying her name three times:

“Aphrodite, Aphrodite, Aphrodite!”

Next, make your invocation:

“Goddess Aphrodite, I call upon you to bring love and romance into my life. I open my heart and soul to you, so that I may be able to experience the power of love. Please guide me to the perfect partner who will bring out the best in me and share a passionate and fulfilling relationship.”

Finally, thank the goddess for her presence and for her guidance.

When you are finished with your invocation, take a few moments to sit in the presence of the goddess, and allow yourself to be filled with her energy and power. Then, when you feel ready, gradually become aware of the physical world around you and slowly open your eyes.


Goddess Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, I ask for your assistance in finding new love in my life. I come to you in full faith and trust that you will be my guide and help me manifest my desires.

With your help, I believe that I can attract a loving and fulfilling relationship, one that is full of passion and joy. I turn to you, recognizing that you have the power to open my heart and mind to the possibility of new love.

I ask that you help me to recognize a potential partner, feel the excitement of a new connection, and be open to the possibility of a relationship. I understand that the journey is not always easy, but with your help, I will be able to appreciate the unique beauty of the individual and create something special together.

I thank you for the gifts of beauty and charm that you have blessed me with, and I ask that you help me to use these gifts to attract and keep a fulfilling relationship.

Help me to be aware of my own power and beauty and to share it with my partner, to bring out the best in each other. Help me to appreciate our differences and to use them to create something even more wonderful and beautiful.

I ask that you help me to recognize when a relationship has gone stale, and to have the courage to move on if necessary. I understand that sometimes things don’t work out the way I plan, but I also know that all endings can lead to new beginnings.

Goddess Aphrodite, I thank you for your help and your guidance in finding and maintaining a loving connection. I am grateful for your presence and your power.

Blessed Be

Ritual Spell

By using this combination of powerful tools, you can open yourself up to new possibilities and draw love your way!

This spell is intended to open your heart to the possibility of new love and to increase your chances of finding it.

To begin, you’ll need to find a comfortable space and allow yourself to relax and let go of any distractions. Then, you can begin your goddess Aphrodite spell.

Start by lighting a pink candle and summoning Aphrodite’s energy with a simple prayer. Then, imagine a beautiful pink light emanating from the candle and filling your entire body. This pink light symbolizes love and beauty and will help to attract new love your way.

Now, take a few moments to think about the kind of partner you’d like to attract. Visualize them in great detail. What do they look like? What do they enjoy doing? What kind of relationship do you envision for the two of you? Ask her to help you to attract the type of new love you are looking for.

Once you’ve done this, focus on your intention to draw in new love. Imagine a bright pink light radiating from your heart and extending outward into the universe. Affirm to yourself that this pink light will bring a loving partner into your life.

Now, take a few moments to meditate on the image of your ideal partner. Feel the love and emotion that this brings up inside of you.

To finish, thank Aphrodite and blow out the pink candle.

We’ve now completed the goddess Aphrodite ritual spell. But we’re not done yet!

Guided Meditation Visualization

Begin by taking a few deep, calming breaths. Allow yourself to relax and let go of any thoughts or worries. Then, imagine yourself standing at the edge of a beautiful beach surrounded by a deep, blue sea.

Now, take a few moments to imagine your ideal partner walking towards you along the shore. Feel the love and emotion that this brings up inside of you. Then, imagine yourself walking towards your partner and embracing them in a loving hug.

Stay in this moment for as long as you like, feeling the love and emotion. Allow yourself to receive the love and beauty that this visualization brings.

When you’re ready, thank Aphrodite for her help and open your eyes.

Goddess Aphrodite can open the door to new love and relationships. If you follow this process, you can find yourself in the arms of the perfect partner in no time. By using these three tools together or individually, you can open yourself up to new possibilities and draw love your way.

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Goddess Athena Magic Spell and Meditation Visualization for Boosting Self-Confidence and Independence Sun, 29 Jan 2023 14:08:20 +0000 Goddess Athena, the daughter of Zeus and Metis, is one of the most beloved and respected of the gods in Ancient Greece. Known as the goddess of wisdom, courage, justice, and war, Athena was one of the most significant and powerful gods in the pantheon. Athena was a strong-willed and

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Goddess Athena, the daughter of Zeus and Metis, is one of the most beloved and respected of the gods in Ancient Greece. Known as the goddess of wisdom, courage, justice, and war, Athena was one of the most significant and powerful gods in the pantheon.

Athena was a strong-willed and independent goddess. She was never afraid to speak her mind, and her courage and boldness were renowned. Her wisdom was respected, and she was frequently asked for guidance and advice by the other gods. She was also the patron goddess of Athens, which was named after her.

Athena was a warrior goddess as well. She was a skilled and cunning strategist, and her courage and strength in battle were unparalleled. She was also a protector and defender of justice and helped to restore order in times of conflict. She was also an advocate for the arts and crafts, and was a master of many crafts that she taught to the people of Ancient Greece.

Athena was often depicted wearing armor and carrying a shield and spear. She was also often seen with an owl and an olive tree, symbols of her wisdom, courage, and justice. She was also often seen with her sacred companions, the snake and the owl, and was sometimes seen with a thunderbolt or lightning bolt, symbolizing her strength and power.

Athena was highly revered and respected by the people of Ancient Greece. She was seen as a goddess of protection and justice, and her wisdom and courage were admired by all. She was also an important figure in the Olympic Games, and was the patron goddess of the athletes and their competitions.

Athena is still respected and admired today, and her legacy lives on in the many stories and myths that surround her. She is a powerful symbol of wisdom, courage, justice, and war, and her legacy will continue to inspire people for many years to come.

Boosting Your Self-Confidence and Independence

Goddess Athena is an inspiring and empowering figure, and her spell to boost self-confidence and independence is a powerful tool to tap into. Athena was the goddess of wisdom, courage, strength, and law, and she embodied the ideals of courage, independence, and self-confidence.

Today, as one of our favorite Goddesses, she is praised for her courage and strength to stand up for what is right and for her wisdom to make sound decisions. Athena is an inspiring figure for all of us, as she teaches us that we should have the courage to be true to ourselves and that we should have the strength and confidence to make decisions independently. Her spell can help to bring these qualities into your life.


To invoke the power of Goddess Athena for self-confidence and independence, begin by finding a quiet, comfortable space to sit. Take a few moments to relax and focus on Athena’s energy. Visualize her holding a shield of protection, and imagine a bright, white light emanating from it, enveloping you in a protective cocoon of energy.

Now, take a few moments to focus on your intention. What do you wish to manifest with this spell? Are you looking to increase your self-confidence or to become more independent? Now, recite the following words:

“I call upon the power of Goddess Athena
Help me to grow in strength and courage
Give me the power to be independent
Give me the courage to stand on my own
So mote it be”.

After reciting the invocation, take a few moments to sit in silence and to focus on the light that you visualized around you. Feel the power and protection of Athena’s shield, and know that you are safe and secure in her embrace.


Goddess Athena,

You are the formidable and wise goddess of wisdom, courage and justice. You are a powerful source of strength and courage, and your wisdom can show me the way to self-confidence and independence.

Help me to find my inner strength and courage so that I may be independent and able to stand up for myself. Give me the courage to stand up and speak out when I feel I’m not being treated fairly or with respect.

Help me to recognize and appreciate my own unique gifts and talents, and the value that I bring to the world. Allow me to trust myself and my abilities so that I may take pride in the person I am, and the life I am creating for myself.

Help me to rid myself of any doubts or fears that may be holding me back. Help me to replace negative self-talk with more positive and affirming thoughts.

Above all, grant me the courage and strength to believe in myself and my potential.

I thank you, Goddess Athena, for your wisdom, strength and courage.

Blessed Be

Ritual Spell

Here is a ritual spell that you can use to tap into the power of Athena and gain self-confidence and independence.

1. Begin by lighting a white candle and calling on Athena.

2. Place a piece of paper in front of you. On it, write down what you would like to gain from this spell.

3. Visualize the goddess Athena standing before you. Feel her presence and ask her to grant you the strength and courage to be your own person, to make decisions independently and to have complete confidence in yourself.

4. Repeat the following chant three times:

“Goddess Athena, grant me strength and courage,

So that I may follow my own path and make decisions independently,

And have the confidence to be my own person.”

5. Now, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize the goddess Athena standing before you with her arms outstretched, radiating strength and courage. Feel the energy of her presence, and let it fill you up with confidence. Imagine your own inner strength and power growing and blossoming like a flower.

6. Keep your visualization in your mind, and take a few more deep breaths. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes again.

Guided Meditation Visualization

To further tap into the power of Athena, use this guided meditation visualization. Lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Begin to take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to relax. Visualize a beautiful meadow in front of you, with the sun shining down on you.

Now, visualize the goddess Athena walking towards you through the meadow. Feel her presence and her strength. Ask her to grant you the courage and strength to be your own person and to make decisions independently.

Continue to visualize the goddess Athena as she stands before you. Feel her presence and her strength, and allow it to fill you with confidence. Imagine your own inner strength and power growing and blossoming like a flower.

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes again. You are now filled with the strength and courage of the goddess Athena.

Goddess Athena can help you to build your self-confidence and independence and to stand tall and unafraid. When you feel the need to tap into her power, repeat any part of the invocation, prayer, ritual or meditation, as needed. Know that her love and protection surround you.

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