Goddess Sulis is a powerful and ancient Celtic deity of the British Isles who is primarily associated with healing, hot springs, and the life-giving powers of water. She is believed to have been worshipped for thousands of years, with her cult reaching its peak during the Iron Age. Sulis’s originsContinue Reading

Do you want to learn how to practice magic with symbols? You’re in the right place! Symbolic magic is an ancient craft that has been used by many different cultures throughout history. It involves the use of symbols and rituals to invoke magical energies, connect to the divine, and manifestContinue Reading

The idea of working with the Goddess to manifest your desires has been around since ancient times and remains a powerful and popular way of engaging with spirituality and the Divine. Working with the Goddess to manifest your desires is a practice that allows us to access the energies ofContinue Reading

Practicing solitary magic can be a powerful and transformative experience. It can open new doors to personal growth and understanding and help you connect more deeply with your spiritual self. But what exactly is solitary magic? It is the practice of using magical techniques and rituals without the assistance ofContinue Reading

The world is full of skeptics, and that’s certainly true when it comes to psychic abilities. Many people simply don’t believe in the power of intuition or extrasensory perception, and they may be vocal in their skepticism. If you’re a psychic reader or practitioner, it can be hard to dealContinue Reading