Shuffle the Cards to Reveal Your Past, Present, and Future Tarot Reading.
Click each card turn it over, and reveal its meaning below.

Knight of Swords
This card is often used to represent courage, strength, and justice, making it an incredibly important symbol to understand.
In traditional Tarot card decks, the Knight of Swords is usually portrayed as a mounted knight wearing a white cloak and brandishing a sword. To many, this card symbolizes protection and the courage to act on truth and justice. It can also represent a figure who is firm in their beliefs and makes decisions based on their morality.
When you interpret the Knight of Swords in a Tarot reading, it’s said to indicate the presence of a certain energy in the querent’s life. This energy often shows up in the form of strength and courage that allows the querent to make rational decisions to further their goals. The Knight of Swords also shows up in situations when a difficult dispute needs to be addressed and a levelheaded approach is needed.
In some contexts, the Knight of Swords can imply a person who is overly aggressive or overly critical. In such cases, the querent should take an analytical approach to assess the situation objectively and avoid being too opinionated.
The ultimate takeaway message of the Knight of Swords is the lesson of being brave and courageous enough to act on their beliefs while remaining rational and rational. It’s an incredibly important message that can help guide us in our thoughts, decisions, and actions. With the Knight of Swords in your Tarot readings, you can make sure your path is on the right track.

Three of Swords
The Three of Swords Tarot is possibly the most emotionally charged of all tarot cards. It speaks of pain, sorrow, heartbreak, and the overwhelming feeling of being helpless in the face of life’s difficult challenges. Despite this, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all of the pain we feel is a sign of bad luck. Rather, this card symbolizes a necessary recognition and acknowledgment of the pain, as a way to heal and move forward.
In traditional tarot decks, the Three of Swords is shown as three swords plunged into a heart, representing grief and betrayal. This image speaks to how pain can open us up to feelings of vulnerability, confusion, and betrayal that can leave us feeling disorientated and misled. It emphasizes how we will often give our hearts away only to find ourselves hurt and misused in return.
The Three of Swords can also represent repressed emotions and feelings of guilt. And, although the card may signify that life isn’t all happy (ok, it’s mostly sad), this card invites us to look more closely at and accept the dark side of our emotions and deal with it in a positive and supportive way.
When this card appears upside down in a reading, it is most likely a sign of misfortune or obstacle in the near future that must be addressed, but it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. In fact, in some cases, the Three of Swords tarot can bring a newfound freedom that comes with the feeling of being completely released and relieved of burdens, barriers, and expectations.
For adults, the Three of Swords can be a reminder to take a closer look at the daily struggles we are confronted with. It’s about being honest with ourselves, facing our challenges head-on, and accepting the fact that life doesn’t always go as planned. It’s a wake-up call that invites us to look at how we can take responsibility for how we feel and how we can heal through the experience. Finally, it encourages us to find hope and strength in difficult times and to recognize that joy and peace can come from the most tragic of experiences.

Page of Wands
The Page of Wands Tarot card is a representation of progress and movement that can represent an individual’s potential in life. This card can be interpreted as a sign of courage, with a desire to try new things and explore the unknown. Additionally, the Page of Wands is associated with ambition, enthusiasm, and determination and is often interpreted as a sign that a new chapter or opportunity is approaching or emerging.
The card is filled with enegetic symbols such as a lion, staff, and flame, all of which point to courage, strength, and passion in facing challenges. In terms of personality, the Page of Wands is creative and adventurous and is unafraid of taking risks. They have a passion for knowledge, and their philosophy of life is that knowledge must always be sought, and they will “walk their own path” no matter what anyone else said.
In terms of career and ambition, the Page of Wands is an excellent card to represent job dissatisfaction or feeling like you have outgrown your current position. There is a need to move on and explore other fields and opportunities. This card can also encourage those who are stuck in indecision to take action and move in the direction that they want to go.
In conclusion, the Page of Wands is a representation of progress and development, with a strong focus on taking courageous risks and exploring new opportunities. It is a card of ambition, passion and inner strength, as well as a reminder that no matter what your situation, it is important to find the courage to pursue what you truly want. With this in mind, the Page of Wands encourages individuals to trust their instincts and embark on a journey of self-discovery and development.