Are you looking for an easy, yet powerful Law of Attraction exercise that works quickly? Then you’ll love the #333 Angel Formula! This technique combines the power of the Law of Attraction with the help of your guardian angels to manifest your desires.
This simple technique can help you quickly and effectively focus on exactly what you want and create an energy shift that will attract your desires into your life. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Set Your Intention
Start by taking a few moments to get clear on what you want to manifest. Then, write it as a present tense affirmation (e.g., “I have ____” or “I am ____”).
Step 2: Repeat Your Affirmation
Now, take your affirmation and write it 33 times a day, for 3 consecutive days. You can do this on paper, a notebook, your computer, or your phone.
Step 3: Invite Your Angels
To amplify the power of your affirmation and help manifest your desires faster, invite your guardian angels to join you in this exercise. Imagine them gathering around you and filling you with their love, light and power.
Step 4: Feel the Energy
As you write your affirmation 33 times, feel the energy of it. Focus on the words and the intent behind them and imagine that they are already true.
Step 5: Release and Receive
When you’ve finished writing your affirmation 33 times, take a few moments to rest and relax. Then, let go of all your worries and doubts and open up to receive the manifestation of your desires.
By following this simple 5-step exercise, you can use the Law of Attraction and the help of your guardian angels to manifest your desires and create positive shifts in your life.
In conclusion, the #333 Angel Formula is an easy and effective way to use the power of the Law of Attraction with the help of your guardian angels to manifest your desires. By setting an intention, repeating an affirmation 33 times daily for 3 consecutive days, inviting your angels, feeling the energy, and releasing and receiving, you can create positive shifts in your life and manifest your desires quickly and effectively.
So why not give the #333 Angel Formula a try? In no time, you’ll be on your way to attracting the things you want into your life!